About Us

Hairy Barry was created to provide safely tested toys to all pups. Barry has consistently experienced toy after toy containing mounds of thread, untested materials, and even choking hazards inside his toys. All toys have been tugged, ran through the mud, and ripped up by our toy testers.

Our hope is that your pup will enjoy our toys as much as Barry does.

Meet the toy testers below.


Tucker is a Golden Retriever. He likes to play rough, chew on everything, and bark at dogs who break the rules.


Barry is a Siberian Husky Mix. He believes he is the boss of everyone! For fun he likes to go on long walks, play fetch, and do tug of war with his step-brother.


Boz is a Siberian Husky Mix. He enjoys sleeping, belly rubs, going on long walks, and chewing on toys.


Max is a Golden Retriever. He enjoys car rides, playing with his dog friends, and playing fetch.

R.I.P. Ted

Ted, one of the original Hairy Barry toy testers. He loved fetch, barking, and being the boss.

He will be missed.